If you are wondering if Croatia is safe for travel, then you should know that many experienced travelers, after traveling through Europe, Asia and the USA, have concluded that Croatia is the safest country they have visited.
Although Croatia has its political and financial problems, it also has a certain level of security that some other countries will never have.
Many popular tourist destinations such as Turkey, Greece, France or Egypt, to name just a few, are going through various political or financial problems and travelers are often concerned about their safety in these countries. As most of Europe has succumbed to an increasing number of shootings, terrorist threats, religious extremism, violations of rights and other misfortunes that will make you think twice about visiting, Croatia is rarely on the headlines when it comes to such cases.
Below you will be able to read more about this topic and we will try to answer the questions you may be asking yourself before your trip to Croatia.
Is Croatia safe for travelling?
In general, Croatia is a safe place for travelers. Croatia is following the European Union’s (EU) security recommendations, while balancing the economic need for tourism. Tourism in Croatia has grown in the last ten years, and petty thefts occur in places where are hordes of tourists. Cases of violent crime in Croatia are rare, and the overall crime level is quite low, which makes traveling to Croatia extremely safe.
Cases of serious crime in Croatia are rare, and the overall crime level is quite low, which makes traveling to Croatia extremely safe. Therefore, make sure that your personal belongings, including your passport and other travel documents, are safe all the time, especially on public transport, at bus stations and airports. A little common sense can ensure that your vacation passes without any frustration.
Solo travelers in Croatia
If you travel alone, Croatia is among the safest places in the world that you can visit. Croats are proud of their land and heritage and are very friendly so they will be happy to answer all your questions and help with anything that interests you. No matter which destination in Croatia you choose, you will meet people everywhere, and also, you can always join some group excursions or tours and meet other people.
As we have already mentioned, Croatia is a safe country for solo travelers. But as in all other countries, avoid dark and suspicious places and do not trust strangers.
Statistics on safety in Croatia
Statistically, Croatia is one of the safest countries in the world. Numbers do not lie: Croatia is the 19th safest country in the world! This means that Croatia is statistically safer than both the United Kingdom and the United States. The only security issues you may encounter will be pickpockets. Like any other country with a large number of tourists, Croatia attracts a lot of pickpockets.
Public transport
Public transport in Croatian cities is very safe. Just be careful if you take a bus or train (or tram in Zagreb) and keep an eye on your belongings, especially late at night. Bus stations are often the main target of pickpockets, so be aware of your surroundings.
Our advice: keep extra cash, credit cards and passport in your hotel and when you are outside carry only necessary things.
Official taxis in Croatia are very secure and even have apps – which means you can easily order a taxi from your phone without worrying about being charged more. The two largest taxi companies in Croatia are Cammeo and EkoTaxi. Alternatively, Uber is a really safe way of driving in most Croatian cities.
Neighbouring countries and stats on safety
Croatia is mostly run as a safe country. But what is the situation with other countries in Europe? Compared to competing countries in the Mediterranean, Croatia is rated as a safe country. According to the TOMAS survey from 2014, Croatia was declared better or equal in terms of the feeling of security compared to the competing countries Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Slovenia, Montenegro, Greece and Turkey. Between 4 and 7% of respondents rated the feeling of security in Croatia worse than competing countries, between 45 and 75% of respondents rated Croatia as equally safe compared to other Mediterranean countries, and as many as 20-45% of respondents felt safer in Croatia than in other countries in the Mediterranean.
Emergency numbers
In case you still find yourself in a situation where you need some kind of help it is good to know the emergency numbers. The unique emergency number is 112 and by calling that number you will be redirected to the emergency service you need (police, ambulance or fire fighters). In case you need help on the road, dial 1987, and for help at sea 195.
Travel habits change from day to day and because of that there has never been a better time to work with the locals – someone who actually lives in the place you intend to visit – get an insight into what the situation really is in the country and contact us!
If you need help because you are not sure if you can plan your trip to Croatia by yourself, contact us and you will get the best experience following our tips.
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